Exhibit Indian Artisan’s Art to
Global Non-Indian Community.

Provide Global Platform to our village artisans.

Help to Create Worldwide Network of Indian Artisan!

Help Our Artisans to Access Global Market.

TownSol is the platform where we can bring local artisans from every small village and the global district community together to promote the artwork to non-Indian community around your current living address in foreign countries.

Identify, initiate and expose the artwork of Artisans from your hometown to every opportunity of sale as well as recognition in the global market.

Motivate and help artisans from our district to develop new designs and products suitable for global market which will expand the horizon of our local artisans.

Support Artisans From Our District!

Add your Product and grow your artist business globally


TownSol will make all the efforts to reach every townmate from the district, who have migrated to various parts of the world for whatever reason and identify the townmates, who can help to develop market for our artisan products.

Current Roadmap
  1. Identify Artwork Identify the artwork which has potential to appeal global customers.
  2. Develop Artwork Train and educate the local artist about the requirements and current trend of global market and develop new products accordingly.
  3. Identify district townmates. Identify district townmates in every possible corner of the world to promote the artwork to non-Indian community.

Artisan Forum

District Artisans in Focus

Reach Accomplished Professionals From Your District Around The World.

Let townmates celebrate your achievements.
Be the role model to build the crowd of achievers.
Suggest person/s from your hometown district, who have achieved remarkable accomplishments,
for the recognition and appreciations by townmates..

Hometown Artisan: Inspiring Interviews

Industry Contributors & their articles.

Articles from successful industry subject matter experts.

View all

Kavita Nath

Singer | Traveler

With years of experience in business and entrepreneurship, I’m excited to contribute my knowledge to the conversation around economic development in Townsol.

Discover Global User Community’s Demands and Requirements

Exploring and Understanding the Demands and Requirements of the Global User Community for Cross-Border Business Opportunities and Collaborations.

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{{requirement.added_by}} has posted a listing.



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{{requirement.added_by}} has posted a listing in the {{requirement.categories}}.

{{requirement.added_by}} has posted a listing.



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{{ (requirement.requirement.length > 90) ? requirement.requirement.slice(0, 70) : requirement.requirement }} {{ requirement.expanded ? 'Read Less' : 'Read More' }}